Publications, Posters, and Conferences

Vijayan, Akhil Marayikkottu, Nathaniel K. Myers, Irmak T. Karpuzcu, Deborah A. Levin, and Qiong Liu. "Analyzing Particulate Phase Behavior in High-Speed, High-Altitude Flight Conditions Through an Overlay-Based Computational Approach", Physics of Fluids (2023) (Under review)

Vijayan, Akhil Marayikkottu, and Deborah A. Levin. "Kinetic modeling of fractal aggregate mobility." Physics of Fluids 34, no. 4 (2022): 043315. (featured article)

V. Marayikkottu, Akhil, and Deborah A. Levin. "Influence of particle non-dilute effects on its dispersion in particle-laden blast wave systems." Journal of Applied Physics 130, no. 3 (2021): 034701.

Marayikkottu, Akhil V., Saurabh S. Sawant, Deborah A. Levin, Ci Huang, Mirko Schoenitz, and Edward L. Dreizin. "Study of particle lifting mechanisms in an electrostatic discharge plasma." International Journal of Multiphase Flow 137 (2021): 103564.

Kumar, Rakesh, Arun K. Chinnappan, and M. V. Akhil. "Denoising of direct simulation monte carlo data using proper orthogonal decomposition technique." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 55, no. 4 (2018): 841-847.